There are numerous breathing disorders that need to be
treated by supplying extra oxygen from the outside. The diseases like COPD,
hypoxemia, hypoxia, OHS, sleep apnea, emphysema, etc. Oxygen can for emphysema is ideal for getting supplemental oxygen for
treatment of emphysema and other respiratory diseases. Patients suffering from
respiratory diseases do not get adequate supply of oxygen because their lungs
or air passageways are damaged. Medical
oxygen therapy will instantly improve the level of oxygen in the
bloodstream. Oxygen can for sleep apnea
is quite effective for treating sleep apnea.
Oxygen can for COPD
is very effective remedy for patients afflicted with breathing disorders.
Oxygen cans contain pure enriched oxygen. Upon breathing from the oxygen can,
your oxygen level will instantly go up providing you with more energy to
accomplish your everyday jobs. The canister is light-weight which weighs around
120 grams and could be easily carried around. Normally, people afflicted with
breathing disorders have to use bulky oxygen cylinders but they cannot be
carried around. The portable oxygen cans contain around 6 liters of oxygen which
make up around 150 inhalations. Breathing a short burst of 3-5 puffs from the
can will raise your oxygen as well as energy levels.